Private Sub GetItems() '---we only want to read our data once so make sure it is inside the IsPostBack stuff If Not IsPostBack Then Dim MyReader As New StreamReader(FileName) Dim ItemInFile As String Dim Price As String Dim Product As String Try Do ItemInFile = MyReader.ReadLine() 'actual text in the file Product = Trim(Left(ItemInFile, 10)) 'the first 10 characters are the item Price = Trim(Mid(ItemInFile, 20)) 'starting at 20 we have the prices '---add the product & price Product is text and price is the value. See items collection in the 'properties window for the listbox lstItems.Items.Add(New ListItem(Product, Price)) Loop Until ItemInFile = Nothing Catch lblError.Text = "I can't read the data file." lblError.Visible = True Finally MyReader.Close() End Try End If End Sub