Course Outline
Spring 2015

Ticket #96245

INSTRUCTOR: Ronald P. Kessler, Ph.D., MCSE




Electronics All-In-One Desk Reference
. Get This!!!
by Doug Lowe
John Wiley & Sons, Jan 19, 2012 - 864 pages

ISBN: 978-1-118-15929-3
Available in SCC Bookstore

The following are free downloads:

What’s A Microcontroller? Version 3 By Andy Lindsay
Comes as a download.
Cost: free

Robotics With The Boe-Bot by Andy Lindsay
ISBN: 1-928982-03-4
Comes as part of the Boe-Bot robot kit from Parallax, Inc. and is available as a download.

Cost: free

PBasic programming guide (excellent)

Supplemental readings/homework will be assigned weekly.

Course Objectives

Advanced Robotics & Embedded Programming introduces students to the world of microprocessors for devices such as those used in robotics, telephones, tablet PC’s, the automotive industry, & home automation. You will learn how to build a circuit, create software to control it with a microcontroller, and make your robot respond. We are going to learn a lot of cool stuff!!


Your final grade in my class will be based on the total number of points you earn. I plan to give you 5 programming/design projects. You will also complete three robotic challenges which will also count towards your grade.  I plan to give you some short quizzes, homework assignments, a midterm exam, and a Final Exam. Grading will be based upon the following criteria:

90%= A
80%= B
70%= C
60%= D

The total possible points in the course will be approximately as follows:

Tests         160    (2 exams @ 80)

Challenges   90   (3 @ 30)

Quizzes      150    (Approx. 5 @ 30)

Homework  100

TOTAL      500

Class Format

I teach this class in an interactive way. I usually introduce a topic and use the first part of class either lecturing or demonstrating stuff to you. I try use the remainder of our time letting you practice what you have learned and give you time to complete that day’s activity. It is my intention that you complete these activities in class.

I will be available before class to help you or give you extra time to work.

Class Drops

If you decide to drop this (or any) course during the semester, please drop the class yourself.  Do not depend on your instructors to handle this for you. We do our best to keep track of your status, but it is better if you make sure your records are accurate yourself. You must drop a course before the end of the 12th week of school.

Accommodations for Disabilities

Students with verifiable disabilities who want to request academic accommodations are responsible for notifying their instructor and Disabled Students Programs and Service (DSPS) as early as possible in the semester.  To arrange for accommodations, contact DSPS at (714) 628-4860, (714) 639-9742 (TTY) or stop by the DSPS Center


It is possible to take a make-up exam or quiz during the semester (EXCLUDING THE FINAL) if the exam is missed due to illness or other emergency. Please contact me right away if you cannot attend class when we are having an exam so I can help you with the best solution for your situation.

Student Code of Conduct

Full details may be obtained from the SCC Student Handbook. At a minimum, I expect you to treat each other (and your instructor) politely and with respect. This includes turning off all cell phones (or muting them), participating in class, and arriving in a timely manner. Please remember that personal conversation during lecture time is distracting to your fellow students. Collaboration on a project is an exception, of


You are encouraged to work with other students in the class, but all work that you turn in for grading must be your own. Taking credit for another students work is plagiarism and is a violation of SCC academic policy. You will be reported for academic dishonesty. Don't let this happen to you! Remember, all work that you turn in for grading must be your original work.

Specific Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to: 

  • Students will have a working knowledge and understanding of how to program microprocessors.

  • Students will be able to develop advanced software programs for a robotics system using the C#,  & PBasic languages.

  • Students will be able to install and configure Windows Embedded CE, install that image onto a single-board computer (SBC), & create original software applications that run on their SBC in accordance with industry standards.

The Rancho Santiago Community College District is happy to provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. It is your responsibility to inform me if you have such needs.


The number of projects and the points possible for exams, projects and activities are subject to change without notice. This information is intended to be an accurate overview of this course so you will know what to expect during the semester. But sometimes, we will need to modify this plan.