'WIFLY BEE REMOTE CONTROL DEMO================== ' ' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ========================================================================= ' -----[ Program Description ]------------- ' Updated 6/23/2012 by R.Kessler ' This program is meant to drive a BOE-Bot by receiving commands from a ' WIFLY Bee RN-XV wireless radio from SparkFun. The commands are simple ascii characters, ' the charachters on the keyboard are used to control ' how the BOE-Bot drives. This is slightly modified from the original XBEE program 'so the bot will move farther with each command. 'To Run: 'Configure Wifly for Open Wireless, Channel 6 and the ssid of your router. Set wlan join =1 so 'the module will always join your Wifi lan when it boots. 'This program communicates to the Boe via a Parallax SIP XBEE adapter and no changes in the wiring 'from the XBEE is necessary! Just exchange XBEE and WiFly modules as desired! 'Wiring the SIP adapter. +5 =====> Vdd ' GND=====> Vss ' DOUT====> Pin 2 on BOE My program listens for commans on this line ' DIN=====> Pin 1 on BOE ' RTS=====> Pin 11 on BOE (not used but connected) 'Use Tera Term to control the bot via a TCP/IP connection. Use 2000 for example. 'This will communicate with the modem through port 2000 (the default). You just need to find out what 'the IP of your Wifly is. If you created a static IP then you will use that, of course. 'Once connected in Tera Term, choose Setup | Terminal and click on local Echo so you can see the commands 'you type. Also select CR+LF for Receive and send to make your commands show up on a new line. ' Press F, B, L, OR R THEN ENTER TO move the bot! ' Pin definitions Baud_Mode CON 84 '9600 8 bit, no parity Int(1,000000/9600)-2 = 84 XBEE_TX PIN 1 'DIN pin on XBee module XBEE_RX PIN 2 'DOUT pin on XBee module LEFT_SERVO PIN 13 RIGHT_SERVO PIN 12 'PING_SERVO PIN 14 L_FWD CON 1000 L_REV CON 500 L_STOP CON 750 R_FWD CON 500 R_REV CON 1000 R_STOP CON 750 'SCALE CON $200 'hex for raw * 2us pulse for BS2 ' -----Define Variables------------ i VAR Byte rx_data VAR Byte 'Initialize motors to off LOW LEFT_SERVO LOW RIGHT_SERVO ' -----Main loop------ Main: DO SERIN XBEE_RX, BAUD_MODE, [STR rx_data\1] 'get data from the WiFly DEBUG "Received data: ", STR rx_data\1 SELECT rx_data CASE $6C ' ascii for 'l' GOSUB Turn_left CASE $62 ' ascii for 'b' GOSUB Backup CASE $72 ' ascii for 'r' GOSUB Turn_right CASE $66 ' ascii for 'f' GOSUB Forward ENDSELECT LOOP END Forward: DEBUG "Forward", CR FOR i = 0 TO 50 PULSOUT LEFT_SERVO, L_FWD PULSOUT RIGHT_SERVO, R_FWD PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Backup: FOR i = 0 TO 50 PULSOUT LEFT_SERVO, L_REV PULSOUT RIGHT_SERVO, R_REV PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Turn_left: FOR i = 0 TO 50 PULSOUT LEFT_SERVO, L_STOP PULSOUT RIGHT_SERVO, R_FWD PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Turn_right: FOR i = 0 TO 50 PULSOUT LEFT_SERVO, L_FWD PULSOUT RIGHT_SERVO, R_STOP PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN