/* ___________________________________ D A T A E N T R Y P A R T 1 Simple Console Read/Write Demo CLR Console Version Ron Kessler Created 12/28/2016 This shows how to get user input and then show the information they typed in YOU CAN RUN THIS WITH F5 */ #include "stdafx.h" using namespace System; int main(array ^args) { String^ userName; //---give a nice prompt to start with Console::WriteLine(L"Welcome to Data Entry Part 1 Using C++CLI\n\n"); //---prompt them for their name Console::Write ("Please enter your name: "); //---read what they typed and save it in RAM userName = Console::ReadLine (); //---now display it on screen Console::Clear (); //clear screen Console::WriteLine ("Hi there " + userName); Console::WriteLine ("\n\nPress any key to quit...."); //add 2 new blank line using '\n\n' Console::ReadKey (); //wait for a keypress return 0; }