/*__________________________________ G E N E R A L D E C L A R E S Ron Kessler Created 11/05/2014 __________________________________ This class defines global variables/properties for the entire app */ //add these using namespace System; using namespace System::Windows::Forms; #pragma once public ref class General // be sure to add public { public: General(void) //constructor { } //---create two static fields for our properties so we do not have to instantiate this class static String^ _firstName = "FirstName"; static String^ _lastName= "LastName"; static String^ _fullName; public: static property String^ FirstName { String^ get() { return _firstName; } void set(String^ value) { _firstName = value; } } public: static property String^ LastName { String^ get() { return _lastName; } void set(String^ value) { _lastName = value; } } public: static property String^ FullName { String^ get() { return _firstName + " " + _lastName; } void set(String^ value) { _fullName = value; } } };