'How to extract the item, pricing, and image info Private Sub lstProducts_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstProducts.SelectedIndexChanged '---start with 1 item and clear the previous sale txtQuantity.Text = 1 lblTax.Text = "" lblTotal.Text = "" Dim itemChosen As String Dim itemPrice As String Dim itemPhoto As String itemChosen = Trim(Mid(lstProducts.SelectedItem, 1, 10)) itemPrice = Trim(Mid(lstProducts.SelectedItem, 20, 15)) itemPhoto = Trim(Mid(lstProducts.SelectedItem, 40)) txtItem.Text = itemChosen txtPrice.Text = itemPrice picThumbs.Image = Image.FromFile("..\images\" & itemPhoto) End Sub