'formatting numbers as currency Private Sub btnCheckout_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCheckout.Click '---here is where we are going to calculate the tax and amt. due ' We will also format the money correctly so it look like a cash register. 'AT THE MOMENT, IF THEY LEAVE THE COST BLANK, WE GET AN ERROR!!!!! 'FormatNumber and Val are built-in VB Functions lblTax.Text = FormatNumber(txtPrice.Text * 0.08) 'this makes it use 2 decimal places lblBalDue.Text = FormatNumber(CDec(txtPrice.Text) + CDec(lblTax.Text)) 'Make VB treat text as a number using CDEC function. lblPrompt.Text = "Please pay===>" & FormatNumber(CDec(txtPrice.Text) + CDec(lblTax.Text)) End Sub